Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Saturday, June 9, 2018

CRM RetrieveMultiple QueryExpression to retrieve the top one last created record

In this article we see Step by step How to write a C# query Microsoft Dynamics CRM QueryExpression  to retrieve the top one last created record/modified record , in both CRM 2011 , CRM 2013 ,CRM 2015 and Microsoft Dynamics 365 .
We'll use the IOrganizationService RetrieveMultiple method with a FilterExpression and a ConditionExpression, to get only one record: the latest one created . We also check an attribute for null values .
Usually this C# code will be run from a Dynamics CRM Plugin.
Download the C# code from the following GitHub repository:

We'll see here in only 10 minutes how to write the CRM query , which will be shown this way , for example :
CRM RetrieveMultiple QueryExpression to retrieve the top one last created record

CRM RetrieveMultiple QueryExpression to retrieve the top one last created record/last modified record

First , you need to set which columns to retrieve. It is strongly recommended that you do not select all columns in an of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK entity :
CRM RetrieveMultiple QueryExpression to retrieve the top one last created record

Next, we create the QueryExpression that will hold the query to be send to the OrganizationService , as follows :
CRM RetrieveMultiple QueryExpression to retrieve the top one last created record

There, we add an OrderExpression to sort the records acording to its "createdon" or "modifiedon" attribute.

Then, we cut the results to just the first result and circumscribe them to the first page:

CRM RetrieveMultiple QueryExpression to retrieve the top one last created record

Then, we can check some determined attribute to contain a value - with the not null ConditionOperator:

CRM RetrieveMultiple QueryExpression to retrieve the top one last created record

And include all conditions in a FilterExpression, into the Criteria:
CRM RetrieveMultiple QueryExpression to retrieve the top one last created record

The complete query will look something like this (this code has been tested , and works very well) :

CRM RetrieveMultiple QueryExpression to retrieve the top one last created record

The steps are as follows:
0) Set which columns to retrieve.
1) Create the QueryExpression
2) Add an OrderExpression
3) Check some determined attribute to contain a value using a ConditionOperator (optional)
4) Include all conditions inside  the Criteria as a FilterExpression
5) Send a RetrieveMultiple with the QueryExpression

Happy CRM.....

      by Carmel Schvartzman

כתב: כרמל שוורצמן

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  1. The Microsoft Dynamics Crm Club: Crm Retrievemultiple Queryexpression To Retrieve The Top One Last Created Record >>>>> Download Now

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